Here I will attempt to assemble a list of essential steampunk novels and where you can pick up a copy.
The Difference Engine (Spectra Special Editions)
by William Gibson - essential steampunk
Extraordinary Engines: The Definitive Steampunk Anthology
- steampunk short stories
Jules Verne's Moon Book - From Earth to the Moon & Round the Moon - Two Complete Books by Jules Verne - all about the moon. Of course there is also 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (Scholastic Classics)
The The Steampunk Trilogy
- 3 related Victorian stories
For further perusal here is an extensive list
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Steampunk Pathfinder
The concept of steampunk may originate from many different things from Jules Verne's writings to the question, "what if computers existed in the early 1800's and ran on steam?" It is best summed up by calling it a past that never was. Steampunk can be shown in many areas now including fashion, music, architecture, design, and as a lifestyle. This guide is inclusive as possible to show where to find steampunk information.
Definition, History, and General Information
Google Custom Search - Steampunk
or try this tinyurl:
A custom google search of many of these sites. This search allows searching to be restricted to websites that deal with steampunk.
Wikipedia - Steampunk
Discusses the origins and history of steampunk. It's descriptions are thorough and this article provides plenty of examples of steampunk works and resources.
SteamPunk Magazine
A printable magazine with articles relating to steampunk. There is also a blog. As of this writing there are 4 published issues.
Brass Goggles
The definitive steampunk blog. Brass Goggles links to and annotates what interesting things are going on with steampunk wherever they are going on. Projects and events are featured.
The Clockworkers Guild Journal
A blog that chronicles steampunk events and also announces meet-ups, especially in the Bay Area. The blog is collaborative with contributions from other steampunk blogs.
Honky-Tonk Dragon
A blog with general steampunk information among other things. It has covered steampunk music.
A site and database with steampunk projects, stories, and anecdotes. It also has an archive of The Lemniscate Club.
Gothic Steam Phantastic
This site deals more with the gothic side of steampunk. There is a forum. There is also a detailed section on the sound of steampunk.
DIY and Watch Others Do It Guides
The Steampunk Workshop
A blog of the creations of Hieronymus Isambard "Jake" Von Slatt. He has created custom keyboards, work for burning man (including a beating heart for the man), and he showcases others art such as a steampunk scooter. - Technical Art and Steampunk Contraptions
A blog of the creations of Richard R. Nagy. Some of the most known works include computer modifications including a steampunk notebook computer.
Steam punk goggles tutorial
A tutorial on how to make brass goggles from some door lock hardware and leather.
Exploring, Steampunk, goggles DIY and How To Projects
or try this tinyurl:
A number of tutorials on different steampunk goggle projects including ones made from cheap welding goggles and other hardware.
The Steampunk Home
A blog about how to live in a steampunk styled home with modifications and items that would fit a steampunk lifestyle.
Steampunk Pirate Gun Mod
A tutorial on how to turn a toy pirate gun into a steampunk pirate gun.
How To Make A Kick Ass Steampunk Nerf Gun
A simple how-to dealing with Nerf toys and their steampunk possibilities.
wicked anomie: sociology run amok: Novice Steampunk Gun Mod
Another steampunk gun mod, this one involves little pirate toy guns.
Definition, History, and General Information
Google Custom Search - Steampunk
or try this tinyurl:
A custom google search of many of these sites. This search allows searching to be restricted to websites that deal with steampunk.
Wikipedia - Steampunk
Discusses the origins and history of steampunk. It's descriptions are thorough and this article provides plenty of examples of steampunk works and resources.
SteamPunk Magazine
A printable magazine with articles relating to steampunk. There is also a blog. As of this writing there are 4 published issues.
Brass Goggles
The definitive steampunk blog. Brass Goggles links to and annotates what interesting things are going on with steampunk wherever they are going on. Projects and events are featured.
The Clockworkers Guild Journal
A blog that chronicles steampunk events and also announces meet-ups, especially in the Bay Area. The blog is collaborative with contributions from other steampunk blogs.
Honky-Tonk Dragon
A blog with general steampunk information among other things. It has covered steampunk music.
A site and database with steampunk projects, stories, and anecdotes. It also has an archive of The Lemniscate Club.
Gothic Steam Phantastic
This site deals more with the gothic side of steampunk. There is a forum. There is also a detailed section on the sound of steampunk.
DIY and Watch Others Do It Guides
The Steampunk Workshop
A blog of the creations of Hieronymus Isambard "Jake" Von Slatt. He has created custom keyboards, work for burning man (including a beating heart for the man), and he showcases others art such as a steampunk scooter. - Technical Art and Steampunk Contraptions
A blog of the creations of Richard R. Nagy. Some of the most known works include computer modifications including a steampunk notebook computer.
Steam punk goggles tutorial
A tutorial on how to make brass goggles from some door lock hardware and leather.
Exploring, Steampunk, goggles DIY and How To Projects
or try this tinyurl:
A number of tutorials on different steampunk goggle projects including ones made from cheap welding goggles and other hardware.
The Steampunk Home
A blog about how to live in a steampunk styled home with modifications and items that would fit a steampunk lifestyle.
Steampunk Pirate Gun Mod
A tutorial on how to turn a toy pirate gun into a steampunk pirate gun.
How To Make A Kick Ass Steampunk Nerf Gun
A simple how-to dealing with Nerf toys and their steampunk possibilities.
wicked anomie: sociology run amok: Novice Steampunk Gun Mod
Another steampunk gun mod, this one involves little pirate toy guns.
Art and Sculpture
Neverwas Haul Times
A web page dedicated the the proposals involved in revaming of the Neverwas Haul, a self-propelled 3-story Victorian house. The moving sculpture has made appearances at Burning Man and the Makers Faire.
The Telectroscope
This was a scultpure that visually connected New York with London through a mysterious steampunk tunnel. It allowed people in these cities to see each other in real time.
Steampunk Treehouse
This site displays information about the Steampunk Treehouse, a large installation that has made appearances at Burning Man and the Coachella festival. There is a media gallery, philosophy section, and construction information.
The Steampunk Style Test
A fun little quiz to give you your steampunk style results.
Originals: Rayguns: Weta Collectibles, Exclusive Polystone Collectibles
Purchase finely crafted ray guns for your steampunk outfit. It's also a great place to get ideas about steampunk crafting possibilities.
Steampunk Fashion
A steampunk fashion blog. Different articles of steampunk and Victorian clothing and other articles are discussed. There are also some event announcements.
Flickr: Steampunk Gear
A forum for posting images and discussions regarding steampunk wear and gadgetry.
The Clockwork Cabaret
The online presence of a steampunk devoted radio show. The episodes can be downloaded or subscribed via a podcast player.
GAMP Musings: Steampunk Music
A evaluative summary of steampunk music with links to the artists and albums.
Abney Park
The website for the popular steampunk group Abney Park. The site has some tracks you can listen to, tour information, and other media.
Forums Steampunk Forum
or try this tinyurl:
The forum on for steampunk discussion. This allows social networking environment with steampunk peers.
Flickr: Steampunk
A forum for the posting of images and discussions relating to steampunk.
Flickr: Second Life®Group - Steampunk
A place to share screnshots and images from the steampunk city in the Second Life, New Babbage, and discuss related topics about the Second Life universe.
Comics, Anime, Film, and Television
The Big Database of Comic Books - Steampunk
A searchable database for the comic Steampunk as well as other DC comics. As of this writing it consists of information about the number, date, and some publication information for each issue but the synopsis and other content is missing.
A webring dedicated to the television show Legend and other steampunk films and television series.
last exile
A site with media and information about the steampunk anime Last Exile.There are character summaries, an episode guide, and galleries.
The Passively Multiplayer Online Game, PMOG
A steampunk themed game that is played while browsing the web via a browser plugin. Players create pathfinders, lay mines, and create and follow hyperlinks to websites. Playing the game is currently free.
Neo Steam
A massively multiplayer online game for Korean and Japanese players. The game has a steampunk theme. If you can read either of those languages you may be able to play or determine more about it.
New Babbage - A Steampunk City in Second Life
A video showing a fly through of the the city called New Babbage in the Second Life universe.
Steampunk Wallpaper
A blog with daily wallpaper images created by the blog author using creative commons licensed works and images along with their own graphics design skills.
Purchase finely crafted ray guns for your steampunk outfit. It's also a great place to get ideas about steampunk crafting possibilities.
Steampunk Fashion
A steampunk fashion blog. Different articles of steampunk and Victorian clothing and other articles are discussed. There are also some event announcements.
Flickr: Steampunk Gear
A forum for posting images and discussions regarding steampunk wear and gadgetry.
The Clockwork Cabaret
The online presence of a steampunk devoted radio show. The episodes can be downloaded or subscribed via a podcast player.
GAMP Musings: Steampunk Music
A evaluative summary of steampunk music with links to the artists and albums.
Abney Park
The website for the popular steampunk group Abney Park. The site has some tracks you can listen to, tour information, and other media.
Forums Steampunk Forum
or try this tinyurl:
The forum on for steampunk discussion. This allows social networking environment with steampunk peers.
Flickr: Steampunk
A forum for the posting of images and discussions relating to steampunk.
Flickr: Second Life®Group - Steampunk
A place to share screnshots and images from the steampunk city in the Second Life, New Babbage, and discuss related topics about the Second Life universe.
Comics, Anime, Film, and Television
The Big Database of Comic Books - Steampunk
A searchable database for the comic Steampunk as well as other DC comics. As of this writing it consists of information about the number, date, and some publication information for each issue but the synopsis and other content is missing.
A webring dedicated to the television show Legend and other steampunk films and television series.
last exile
A site with media and information about the steampunk anime Last Exile.There are character summaries, an episode guide, and galleries.
The Passively Multiplayer Online Game, PMOG
A steampunk themed game that is played while browsing the web via a browser plugin. Players create pathfinders, lay mines, and create and follow hyperlinks to websites. Playing the game is currently free.
Neo Steam
A massively multiplayer online game for Korean and Japanese players. The game has a steampunk theme. If you can read either of those languages you may be able to play or determine more about it.
New Babbage - A Steampunk City in Second Life
A video showing a fly through of the the city called New Babbage in the Second Life universe.
Steampunk Wallpaper
A blog with daily wallpaper images created by the blog author using creative commons licensed works and images along with their own graphics design skills.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Some Books for Ghost Town and Mining Hunting
This is a summary of books that I've found to be helpful in searching for ghost towns or abandoned mines, mostly in Colorado. Some of these may just be on my wish list.
The Mining Camps Speak by Bill and Beth Sagstetter A great and easy to read book with details of what you'll actually find at a mining site and what it is. Oddly they seem to have found it hard to find lots of things that are easy to find, like old Imperial Rand air compressors.
Rust to Riches by Eric Twitty Although a bit of a dry read it is very informative and has great details on mining equipment
Walking Into Colorado's Past: 50 Front Range History Hikes by Ben Fogelberg This is a great book with some excellent hikes. It features a lot a long the front range but also has some amazing hikes near La Junta and other areas. It details some mining info, streams, Native American petroglyphs, and other interesting features.
Ghost Towns of Colorado by Philip Varney A good ghost town book, about 10 years out of date
Colorado Ghost Towns and Mining Camps by Sandra Dallas Another good ghost town book, but 20 years out of date
Colorado Ghost Towns Past and Present by Robert Leaman This was a good ghost town book, if you want to reasearch things that aren't there anymore.
Colorado Ghost Town Stories by Sally Jennings This on my wish list as it looks like it might be more recent.
Ghost Towns, Colorado Style: Central Region by Kenneth Jessen Another book on my wish list, this one is less than 10 years out of date so some of the things that are mentioned might still be there.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Steampunk Wallpaper
My friend and associate the autowitch has had one of his photos of a local sugar mill turned into steampunk wallpaper through creative commons usage.
This one by Chinese photographer sonyasonya is also pretty cool, but it reminds me of prison slave labor.
In other news here's some more steampunk music notes:
The Vernian Process has released another song titled "Crime of the Century." It's currently playable and downloadable from their myspace page. The song is a collaboration with Malcolm Schreeck. It's rather gothic and brooding, and maybe overly repetitive.
Fayettville, Arkansas had some kind of steampunk music festival called the Ravenwood Festival. Abney Park, The Ghosts Project, The Vernian Process, and Voltaire were there.
The Clockwork Cabaret took a trip to Tarboro, North Carolina where a steampunk ball was held. It also apparently had boat races and walking tours. I'm hoping it will be on the Clockwork Cabaret podcast soon.
This one by Chinese photographer sonyasonya is also pretty cool, but it reminds me of prison slave labor.
In other news here's some more steampunk music notes:
The Vernian Process has released another song titled "Crime of the Century." It's currently playable and downloadable from their myspace page. The song is a collaboration with Malcolm Schreeck. It's rather gothic and brooding, and maybe overly repetitive.
Fayettville, Arkansas had some kind of steampunk music festival called the Ravenwood Festival. Abney Park, The Ghosts Project, The Vernian Process, and Voltaire were there.
The Clockwork Cabaret took a trip to Tarboro, North Carolina where a steampunk ball was held. It also apparently had boat races and walking tours. I'm hoping it will be on the Clockwork Cabaret podcast soon.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
What's new with steampunk this week
Neo-Steam is a new Korea based MMORPG that is gaining popularity in Japan and China. It takes place in a steampunk environment. The game is starting open beta later this month.
describes a Renaissance / Classical music station (that also has pirate shows) that is taking part in some kind of steampunk exhibition in Second Life. I suppose it's considered Victorian.
You can listen to the music here or visit the location in Second Life here Describes a new collaboration between Allison Curval of "The Clockwork Dolls" and DJ Fact.50. It sounds rather like a synthesized 90s video game to me, but download the theme for "Shades of Violet" and see for yourself.
describes a Renaissance / Classical music station (that also has pirate shows) that is taking part in some kind of steampunk exhibition in Second Life. I suppose it's considered Victorian.
You can listen to the music here or visit the location in Second Life here Describes a new collaboration between Allison Curval of "The Clockwork Dolls" and DJ Fact.50. It sounds rather like a synthesized 90s video game to me, but download the theme for "Shades of Violet" and see for yourself.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Campfire Mocha
I just recently went camping, where I did some work to settle my craving for s'mores. The next day though I ventured into Caribou Coffee and found something that reinvigorated that craving, The Campfire Mocha.
This delicious coffee concoction has chocolate, marshmallow, coffee, and whipped cream. It was just a wonderful experience. Unfortunately though it didn't look as wonderful as the website photo, I guess because I got it to go. I don't even know if it had whipped cream and chocolate shavings or not.
Also on the down side the large apparently has 670 calories, and while drinking this I happened to be in a pharmacy with a blood pressure and pulse monitor where I believe I managed to set a new personal record high.
Still though, I'd like another soon!
This delicious coffee concoction has chocolate, marshmallow, coffee, and whipped cream. It was just a wonderful experience. Unfortunately though it didn't look as wonderful as the website photo, I guess because I got it to go. I don't even know if it had whipped cream and chocolate shavings or not.
Also on the down side the large apparently has 670 calories, and while drinking this I happened to be in a pharmacy with a blood pressure and pulse monitor where I believe I managed to set a new personal record high.
Still though, I'd like another soon!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Steampunk Music
I've been researching the interwebs for links to what might be called "Steampunk Music". Some of this I've found on myspace music that you can listen to or even download for free. There are amazon links for most everything.
Also check out where there is a jukebox!
A steampunk music label:
Johnny Hollow - Dirty Hands Gothic steampunk
Rasputina - Oh Perilous World Ominous Cello , some tracks very steampunk, some not as much
Zoe Keating - One Cello X 16: Natoma etherial cello with looping ( I believe it is one very cute girl with her cello 16 times) - very cool.
Life Toward Twilight - I swear by all the flowers sounds as if recorded on a wax cylinder - something about death - you can download some of their songs (not on the album) here and here's the myspace page (has some album tracks)
Attrition - All Mine Enemys Whispers: The Story of Mary Ann Cotton album apparently contains Victorian poison bottle labels, some tracks a bit heavy
Abney Park - Lost Horizons - the quintessential steampunk album, very popular in the steampunk community but doesn't have as many steam related sounds as one might expect. Maybe they could use a steam engine at some point. I'd call it steampunk alternative.
Unextraordinary Gentleman - 5 Tales From God-Only-Knows Victorian synth-punk
Rube Waddell - Hobo Train a San Francisco quartet
Rosin Coven - Penumbra violin, cellos, bass, guitar, harp, vibraphone, trombone, drums, and vocal harmonies - myspace page
Vagabond Opera - Get on the train vaudeville and cabaret - and trains - - from Portland
Voltaire - Ooky Spooky A more comedic album with violins and jig worthy tunes. Also has stuff about vampires and zombies. Maybe it's Halloween steampunk.
The Ghosts Poject Electronic steampunk with some sounds of strings and drums.
Dr. Steel looks very steampunk on the website - sounds like, umm - well cool website anyway - many tracks are very heavy and some are just weird or perhaps comical?
Boxcar Saints - Last Things A discussion on tribe says this is steampunk, I think its more western alternative something, but maybe
The Peculiar Pretzelmen - Uncanny Eyes - a vaudeville lounge sort of thing - pretty cool. I particularly like "pass the kerosene."
St34mpunk - some kids in Louisville, Colorado, electronic techno steampunk - not too refined yet but interesting - as of now you can download everything from the myspace page
Default Dot Exe - futuristic steampunk techno - can't find anything to buy or download though. It looks like they are now Man and Machines - which does not sound as steampunk but is still more industrial goth techno something
The Vernian Process A collaborative project that's popping up in the news lately, or at least in blogs. Some of it sounds like video game music.

Emilie Autumn - Great violin and femail vocals, at least until she starts screaming.
Finally - here's a radio show Some of the stuff is very good, very steampunk, and on this list already. Some of it, well there is no real genre of steampunk yet, and what they think is steampunk, I think is.... not.
And here's a blog post with some good steampunk music selections:
Also check out where there is a jukebox!
A steampunk music label:
The Ghosts Poject Electronic steampunk with some sounds of strings and drums.
St34mpunk - some kids in Louisville, Colorado, electronic techno steampunk - not too refined yet but interesting - as of now you can download everything from the myspace page
Default Dot Exe - futuristic steampunk techno - can't find anything to buy or download though. It looks like they are now Man and Machines - which does not sound as steampunk but is still more industrial goth techno something
The Vernian Process A collaborative project that's popping up in the news lately, or at least in blogs. Some of it sounds like video game music.
Emilie Autumn - Great violin and femail vocals, at least until she starts screaming.
Finally - here's a radio show Some of the stuff is very good, very steampunk, and on this list already. Some of it, well there is no real genre of steampunk yet, and what they think is steampunk, I think is.... not.
And here's a blog post with some good steampunk music selections:
Monday, May 05, 2008
Cool Links of the week.
Steampunk Web Game Sort of Thing - PMOG
The Passiveley Multiplayer Online Game seems to have a steampunk theme.
I've been playing it a bit today, and haven't quite figured out what the game of it is.
I did find this nice site with scary pictures using it though. It's called childhood fears.
Including the story of a man that built a palace out of rocks that he found while walking around town. hmm
Titan I - extensive tour of a Colorado site
This site has an extensive tour of a Colorado Titan I that apparently not very many people have gotten into. Site 724-C
I believe this is the location of the silo.,-104.49225425720215&z=15
On an unrelated note, here is the "badlands guardian", a natural erosion formation that looks like a Native American with a headdress.,%2Balberta&ie=UTF8&t=k&om=1_%2F&ll=50.010442,-110.112791&spn=0.006523,0.020084&z=16&iwloc=addr
And Finally, Raps about tea:
Cup Of Brown Joy - Elemental
When I say Earl Gray, You say yes please.
Here's another tea rap - american style and nsfw
"one sexy muthaf**ker with a finger in the air"
"f**k your coffee, we just drink tea"
"b*tch I'm gunna kill you if you f**k with my tea"
The Passiveley Multiplayer Online Game seems to have a steampunk theme.
I've been playing it a bit today, and haven't quite figured out what the game of it is.
I did find this nice site with scary pictures using it though. It's called childhood fears.
Including the story of a man that built a palace out of rocks that he found while walking around town. hmm
Titan I - extensive tour of a Colorado site
This site has an extensive tour of a Colorado Titan I that apparently not very many people have gotten into. Site 724-C
I believe this is the location of the silo.,-104.49225425720215&z=15
On an unrelated note, here is the "badlands guardian", a natural erosion formation that looks like a Native American with a headdress.,%2Balberta&ie=UTF8&t=k&om=1_%2F&ll=50.010442,-110.112791&spn=0.006523,0.020084&z=16&iwloc=addr
And Finally, Raps about tea:
Cup Of Brown Joy - Elemental
When I say Earl Gray, You say yes please.
Here's another tea rap - american style and nsfw
"one sexy muthaf**ker with a finger in the air"
"f**k your coffee, we just drink tea"
"b*tch I'm gunna kill you if you f**k with my tea"
Friday, April 18, 2008
Toothless Residents
As I may have mentioned before I'm currently checking trivia for geeks who drink. Well in the process of fact checking I've come across a state statistics web page that I just had to mention. They have numerous tables of state rankings you can look at, but this is the funniest. Guess which state has the most toothless residents? Just ask
Sunday, March 30, 2008
My life with alchohol
I've heard that if you're life depends on alcohol you're an alcoholic. Well I don't consider myself and alcoholic, since I rarely drink myself and haven't been what I consider truly inebriated in a long time, but I do seem to be involved with alcohol quite frequently, and even cyclicly (is that a word?).
During college I mostly only had access to cheap beer, and a Heineken or something Canadian was considered premium. Then I moved to Seattle and ended up surrounded by beer snobs. That's where I got my "sophisticated" taste that I still enjoy today, as I knew the owner of Bottleworks, Matt Vandenberg through some friends. At one point two of my housemates worked at the store, and we enjoyed and indulged in the finest Belgian brews and the hoppiest and strongest beers that this country can produce. My snobbiest favorite was Oude Kriek, which most people I offered it too found unpalatable, but anyway.
For the past few years I've been in Denver. I wasn't here long before I ended up working for NightRiders, the designated driver service that got lots of publicity for their flashy image and catchy scooter gimmick. That job lasted a year before the company went out of business after a last ditch effort to keep things going with a trip across the country to end drunk driving. Incidentally that trip also ended my plans to be a documentary film maker, but that's another story. I had a short stint with NoDUI Denver, which I refer to as noduiden (no dwee den) (it's their phone number), and then went on to the corporate world of customer service and glorified telemarketing. Still though, that was round 2 of my life depending on alcohol.
Now I'm in grad school to be a librarian (actually knowledge management) and have picked up a side job for a company called Geeks Who Drink. They run a great trivia game in about 30 pubs in Colorado and New Mexico. Luckily, I'm not dealing with drunks directly anymore, as I did as a designated driver, but instead I check trivia facts. Still though, that's 3 dependencies on alcohol. Am I an alcoholic?
During college I mostly only had access to cheap beer, and a Heineken or something Canadian was considered premium. Then I moved to Seattle and ended up surrounded by beer snobs. That's where I got my "sophisticated" taste that I still enjoy today, as I knew the owner of Bottleworks, Matt Vandenberg through some friends. At one point two of my housemates worked at the store, and we enjoyed and indulged in the finest Belgian brews and the hoppiest and strongest beers that this country can produce. My snobbiest favorite was Oude Kriek, which most people I offered it too found unpalatable, but anyway.
For the past few years I've been in Denver. I wasn't here long before I ended up working for NightRiders, the designated driver service that got lots of publicity for their flashy image and catchy scooter gimmick. That job lasted a year before the company went out of business after a last ditch effort to keep things going with a trip across the country to end drunk driving. Incidentally that trip also ended my plans to be a documentary film maker, but that's another story. I had a short stint with NoDUI Denver, which I refer to as noduiden (no dwee den) (it's their phone number), and then went on to the corporate world of customer service and glorified telemarketing. Still though, that was round 2 of my life depending on alcohol.
Now I'm in grad school to be a librarian (actually knowledge management) and have picked up a side job for a company called Geeks Who Drink. They run a great trivia game in about 30 pubs in Colorado and New Mexico. Luckily, I'm not dealing with drunks directly anymore, as I did as a designated driver, but instead I check trivia facts. Still though, that's 3 dependencies on alcohol. Am I an alcoholic?
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Flickr being used for free advertising
So I have one photo in my thousands of flickr photos that has a hookah in it, and thus has the keyword hookah. Today I get a friend invite from this company, err flickr contact. All of their photos are hookah's that they are selling. I can't say I'm upset, in fact I'm surprised it took this long. I've actually been doing a similar thing volunteering for an art gallery and I've gone through to everyone who has tagged our local area as an interest and added them as a contact.
I expect more companies to realize how much exposure they can get by creating a flickr account and showcasing there wares. Who can blame them? Will flickr try to stop it?
I expect more companies to realize how much exposure they can get by creating a flickr account and showcasing there wares. Who can blame them? Will flickr try to stop it?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Globe Spanning Rube Goldberg
I had an idea today to make a rube goldberg device that spanned the globe, via various portals to the interwebs. The only new idea is that devices could interact and continue their kinetic path from the end of one set of machines to another by having some machine type into a computer that sends text or a command to another elsewhere, calls a voicemail that delivers to a computer and starts a device, or uses a webcam or audio stream to trigger a device in another location. Basically there would be many smaller rube goldberg machines doing things in various locations, and the process would continue around the world, one machine triggering another, until the final machine completes the task, which could be something like opening a can of dog food.
If this has already been done please let me know, my quick search returned no relevant results to something like this.
If this has already been done please let me know, my quick search returned no relevant results to something like this.
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